Keynote by Dave O'Flanagan
A quick summary collating my thoughts around the keynote of this years' SUGCON
April 15, 2024 • 2 min read • Sitecore
It's all about choice
in the keynote delivered by Dave O'Flanagan the point was made abundantly clear that going forward there'd be enough choice. The freedom not to be pushed towards xm cloud and a cloud native offering. By the end of the month we should be seeing XM / XP 10.4 and they're already planning for 10.5. With the 10.3 release they incorporated learnings and innovation from the xm cloud project and going forward this will be the strategy for all upcoming XM / XP releases.
Upcoming XMC enhancement
Good news for marketers who want more granular control over their pages within XM cloud! Component level personalisation and AB testing has been announced during Dave's talk. With the current capabilities of only page level AB testing / personalisation, this announcement is a huge step in the right direction to give our marketers back more control.
Did anbody mention AI?
By Roger Connolly, Sitecore Chief Product Officer (CPO)
AI has taken a prominent spot in the world and Sitecore has unveiled that Sitecore AI will be rolled out throughout their DXP offerings. Think integrations within Pages and the possibility to generate content with the click of a button. To tell Sitecore AI how to write content with the right tone of voice and generate images adhering to your branding, you will have the possibility to import brand guidelines from sources such as Figma. This will tell Sitecore AI how to mark up your content so it adheres to your branding. Coming to your DXP products at the end of the year.