Getting Azure AD tokens from Sitecore poweshell is easier than you might think
November 04, 2024 • 2 min read • Sitecore
Please your SOC and auth all the things!
Authentication and authorization are concepts familiar to most programmers who've ever had to deal with securing API's. I recently ran into a bit of a snafu where I thought to get away with API key authentication for a feature I'm building for a client. However the security office said no, so I needed to re-think my strategy of calling the API I was building. The problem? I'm calling the API via Sitecore Powershell and my powershell knowledge is limited at best. So for future me, as well as people who might struggle with Powershell here's a quick run-down of how easy it can be to get AAD tokens from Sitecore Powershell!
Invoke-WebRequest or Invoke-RestMethod?
Calling API's from Powershell can be done by either the Invoke-WebRequest
utility or the Invoke-RestMethod
utility function.
Depending on the use-case you'll often find yourself reaching for Invoke-WebRequest
more often than Invoke-RestMethod
because it gives you the actual Response object which contains more than what Invoke-RestMethod
can be considered a a wrapper cmdlet around Invoke-WebRequest which does some automatic conversion for you to make life easier.
If the API you are consuming returns JSON then Invoke-RestMethod will return a PowerShell Object reflecting the JSON result of said API.
This means that if you're after some Headers or ETags that the API might return Invoke-WebRequest
is your friend.
However for obtaining a simple AAD token I like the simplicity that Invoke-RestMethod
The code
function Get-AAD-Auth-Token {
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2 )]
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3 )]
begin {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-AAD-Auth-Token - Begin"
process {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-AAD-Auth-Token - Process"
Invoke-RestMethod $authUrl -Method POST -Body @{
grant_type = "client_credentials"
client_id = $clientId
client_secret = $clientSecret
scope = $scope
end {
Write-Verbose "Cmdlet Get-AAD-Auth-Token - End"
This is a small little cmdlet that you can save to your Sitecore Powershell Script library for whenever you need to obtain an AAD token for whatever reason. Be sure to store your client_secret somewhere safe, for our use-case we opted to add this to the XMC environment via a config patch. That way it's not that prone to errors introduced by content editors.